Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's Christmas Time In The City

I don't know for how long this has been on my mind, but it has been for at least the last decade or so. Have we forgotten the meaning of Christmas?
Every year on December 24 & 25, we celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ. We gather with friends and family, exchange gifts, and get involved with all of the hoopla that goes with it, but isn't the truth is that we celebrate this birth all year long? Seriously. Think about it. Every time that we gather together for our services, what we are doing is celebrating the life of Jesus from birth through death, and his resurrection.
What makes it more interesting is how business has done its best to take this celebration for the reason of making huge amounts of money. Every year on the day after Thanksgiving stores hold what is referred to as “Black Friday” sales. This is a day where after marking the prices to what the suggested pr manufacturers ice, they put this stuff on sale that they really should have been in the first place. The store are opening up on Thanksgiving itself now, the day that we should be with our friends thanking the Holy Trinity our families and friends and families, but it has now and turned into a day where we show in droves that for many their God is Money.
What I do find interesting his how early stores put out their Christmas decorations for us to buy. How often has it been that you have bought any prior to Thanksgiving? One of the major chains started their Christmas push during the summer. They said that they were really pushing the fact that they were bringing back their “Lay Away” department, but the truth of the matter is that their aim is for you to have to come back during Christmas and not only get what you have put away, but to get more money put of you by having you buy more stuff.
Oh sure I know that those of you who may read this may not be Christians and will comment about it, but think about the season and why you go out and spend so much money. In your religious beliefs, what does going out and buying and getting things really mean as far as your religious beliefs are?
I'm going to give you a challenge. I challenge you to give to any Non-Profit organization (like the Episcopal Relief and Development, The Red Cross, The Village Project of San Francisco, or any that you support,) the same amount of money that you spend this time of year for gifts. Now don't be one of those that says that the Non-Profit that they are going to give it to is themselves, but give it to one that you know will help the homeless, abused, needy, etc. If you get money as gifts, then take 50% of it and give it to a charity.

 I hope and pray that you have a joyous and safe holiday season, and that you are a blessing to others who could truly use your help.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Radical Church

 I was born into a family that attended the Episcopal Church, and most likely I will die as a member of the Episcopal Church.
 I felt that I needed to make that statement so that some who may question the things that I say means that I am unhappy with the church. I love going to an Episcopal service, and even though there are other denominations around whose services are similar in style, it doesn't mean that I desire to attend them.
But over the years that Episcopal Church has had problems in that it has been shrinking in its membership size. Now this is true with many of the long established churches, but I have never really been involved with them in a deeper level.
 Now the church has tried things to get people to attend, but for the most part it has failed. As I think about it, I think one of the reasons has to do with the service and the lessons that are read each week. Seriously. If you were to take a look at the Book Of Common Prayers that it has used, even though a new one will come out every so often that contains changes, the service has really stayed the same. But if one were to look even deeper, one will see that the church has not really changed either. Even though women are now being ordained as they should have been all along, what the church teaches has remained the same with no real things to be thought about.
 Now you may be wondering what I mean by that. The church operates on a 3 year cycle on its calendar. In that cycle the lessons never change. Now with some of the different points in the year, I can understand why the church would want to use the same lessons, as they are fitting. But we are in a time of year right now where things could open up a bunch.
 I think that one of the things that gets people into other denominations and away from the Episcopal and others is that many of them actually go through the entire Bible. Imagine if the Pentecost Season were to be like that. Now I am not saying that each congregation should go out on its own and pick stuff to use, but the national church picks what is read each week in a way that through a period of time takes use through the entire Bible. Now I was lucky in that the Bible Studies that occurred at the congregation that I was in when I lived in the Diocese Of California, the upcoming weeks lessons weren't used (as it is in many congregations,) but an entire book/letter was chosen by the group and each week they would pick up from where they had left off the previous week. Imagine if the whole church were to use a model like this. Imagine the conversations that will happen under something like this. Imagine Episcopalians actually wanting pick up and read the Bible before church and at other times. But to do so would require change, and change is something that the people of the church seem to fear (both Laity AND Clergy.)
 But sadly I can hear the reasons on why we can't now. Oh those excuses that would be given. But if the church really wants to grow, it has to make changes that will get some upset, but it is time for the church again having to buy more pews to be able to sit those who come, not to be selling them because nobody is sitting in them.

 So what are some of the ideas that you have that you think will help the growth of the Episcopal Church which are radical? Please post them in the comments here.

Friday, August 23, 2013

 On Wednesday, August 28, 1963 a march was held in Washington, D.C., in the USA. It is one of the most important marches to ever happen in the United States. On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 it will be the 50th anniversary of what happen. 
 What do you think this world would be like if this march didn't happen? 
 How much have things changed since the march happened?
 What are some of the things that you do that you think will help change the world?

 Here is a video that I made a few years ago of the day that the "March on Washington For Jobs and Freedom" happened. Hope that you enjoy it.

Please leave your comments in the comment section below.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Who's The Boss

 I know that this post will get some mad, but it has been on my mind for the few weeks and I have finally gotten around to writing it.
 I realized not long ago one of the big problems that the Episcopal Church (and other denominations) has, and I really don't think that we really notice it. It's sad that it exist, and I am not exactly sure how to solve and change things.
 The problem in the church is that for some of the clergy and the structure of the church is that clergy are looked upon as "Bosses" like Christianity is a business. The truth of the matter is that their really aren't "bosses" in Christianity. Christianity is a religion that it has no bosses.
 As I think upon what I have seen over the years, and have learned from the history of the church over the last 1,000 years, the church has really restructured itself from what Jesus brought to us. Yes religion does need structure in it so that it can run in the world we have today, but the truth of the matter is that the real true bosses in the church are the Laity. Think about it. A church without people in the pews for services really serves very little purpose.
 I was in a congregation where there was a change of clergy. I sat and watched as those who came into the place had no real desire to listen to the people who were there, as they had their own agenda (this was more of the Laity than the clergy.) As this went on, I noticed fewer and fewer people coming for service and people began to pull me aside and vent as to how the "spirit" that the congregation had when they came and what kept them there was now gone. A number of them began to leave the church. As I tried to have conversations with the clergy, it became very apparent to me that even though they were willing to have the conversation, they (and the Laity who came in) clearly had little desire to do anything to try and keep those who had been there for decades. The last time that I saw any pictures from the congregation I knew that my no longer being there was the best thing for me.
 But I think about the congregation that I am in now, and the other churches in the diocese that I am in now and the clergy that I have dealt with. It seems as though seminaries aren't reminding those who are going through them that becoming ordained makes one the "Servant Of The People". 
 I have watched clergy behave as though they are ones with superior knowledge over the Laity because they have a piece of paper that says that they are ordained. It seems as though many of the clergy seem to think that they have become the Chair of a billion dollar company, and treat the Laity as though they were simply employees. 
 What all of this it has helped in the divide that has happened in the church over the last 10 years.  We have been so busy arguing about things with the encouragement of the clergy that we are spending less time trying to spread the Good News that has been brought to us.
 We have become so preoccupied with arguing over who is right and who is wrong, we have forgotten to spend time reading our Bibles and getting an understanding in our own ways as to what God is trying to get into our heads.
 But I am not saying that all of the clergy are like this, as there are many who realize that in reality we are all equals in the eyes of God. These clergy realize that in order for the church to survive, they can't come across as the boss, and are willing to listen and hear what the Laity is saying and desiring. 
 Until the church as a whole realizes that it needs to rethink who and what it is, and I think to put Christ at the center of all that it does, then the church will begin to grow again. The church needs to stop going into communities thinking that it has all of the answers to save the people, but needs to come into the communities and listen and hear what the people are saying. One place that I know where this works is in Oakland, Ca, with Sacred Space. The people who go there on a regular basis are respected by the community because those who come to the community aren't coming there with a "we are here to save you" attitude, but the community knows that the people coming are there to work with them to help to solve problems that are going on.
 Who are the true Bosses of Christianity? The Holy Trinity.

 Please leave comments below as to what you think.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Vengeance Is Mine

 I have been listening and watching the things related to Trayvon Martin over the last week, and I am finding it interesting. Now I thought the jury would come back with Manslaughter, I am not going to say anything wrong with the final verdict, as they are the ones whose opinion is the one that matters most.
 Now the stuff that has been “Monday Morning Quaterbacked” since the announcement has been interesting in the divide that there is. As hard as the press wanted to see a “Race War” start, the fact is that it was something that was never going to occur. But now this “Race War” is not being pushed by the press, it is being pushed harder by talk radio and tv, by both the Conservative and Liberal sides. What I find interesting is that people want to talk about the wrong things that Trayvon was doing, but yet they don't want to talk about the wrong things that George Zimmerman has done in his past. I have heard people complaining and saying that the Black Community needs to get off of the “Race Card” thing and that the community needs to go put an end to the violence that is going on within the community. They have laid the blame in Trayvon and saying he was a thug. Others are saying that George Zimmerman got away with murder of an unarmed child, and have made death threats towards him.
 Now both side have their valid points, but I find it interesting how many of the people on both sides will then proclaim how much of a Christian that they are. It is really sad to see how people really don't pay attention to the things that are said in the Bible that they fail to live by.
 In the book of Romans 12:19 it says “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. “ but yet people have made all kinds of threats towards the Zimmerman family. If he lied and is really guilty, then God will punish him for it. I hear people say that we should put things in the hands of the Lord, but yet they continue to fail to do so.
 Jesus said “Let Ye Without Sin Cast The First Stone”. People on the two big sides of the case are so busy casting stones that they have forgotten to look inside of themselves. We all have and will continue to sin in some way, and the possibility is that one of what we think of a very tiny sin will be far worse in God's eyes than anything than either Trayvon and George ever did.
 Being a Christian is not an easy thing, but one thing that we need to do is to try and put an end to the sins that we each commit. We are so busy trying to point out the wrongs of others that we fail to see or own.
Regardless of how you feel about the final verdict, pray for Trayvon's Family and George's Family, as I think that is something that Jesus would have us do...

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Hidden Influence

 Even though I know what the job of a Bishop is, I never really realized how much influence that a Bishop can have over ones life in the ways that one thinks. But this is something that I have just recently realized happens. Now I know that it all isn't because of the Bishop, but this Bishop came to mind when I noticed something in the congregation that I have been attending lately.

 When I first met Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of the Diocese of California, there was just something about him that I knew would make a difference in the lives of the congregations in the diocese. Now I was rooting for someone else to win the Election for Bishop, but I knew that he was going to win the election.
 One of the things that Bishop Marc talked about when he came in, and even to this day and into the future is about the ecology of this world, and how important it is that we take care of this planet that God has given for us to care for. He has been insistent on the congregations using products and materials that are recyclable and renewable, and has now only talked about it, but has implemented this into the office of the diocese.
 To be truthful, I was very skeptical about this happening, and mostly the congregations doing it, but as time went on, sure enough I noticed more and more congregations switching. Over time even I was doing this at home. Instead of buying Styrofoam cops and plates, I would buy the paper ones and/or the ones that were marked that they could be recycled in some way.
 What was really nice is that the youth of one of the congregations had a proposal brought forth before the Diocesan Convention wanting every congregation to replace at least one of the lightbulbs tot he newer style that saves energy. Even though I heard people complain about the proposal, it past with ease. Now this wasn't a problem in the congregation that I was in, as we had pretty much replaced all of the ones that we could with the new style anyway, but I noticed when I went into other congregations that they had replaced more than just the one, but all that they could.

 I recently moved to another diocese, and have gone to a couple of congregations. It was while I was at the one that I currently attend that I realized the effect that Bishop Marc has had on me. I'm living in a diocese that is hot and dry, and I went to get a cup of water out of the water-cooler. I reached to pull down a cup and felt the styrofoam. The thought that this wasn't right came across my mind, but when I looked, sure enough I had a styrofoam cup in my hand. It had been a few years since the last time that I drank out of one of these. I put some water in it and began to drink. As I was drinking the water, it was then that I realized that I was really uncomfortable with what I was doing, and that it was because of Bishop Marc.
 As I thought about what had happened, I then began to think about the choices and ways that Bishops can and do influence each and every one of us. I'm not talking just about Episcopal Bishops, but Bishops of all denominations. Bishops influence the ways that we think and act. Sure some get us thinking and acting in ways that in my opinion is not in how the Holy Trinity would want for us to be and how we act, but I think that for the most part all clergy try to get us to walk in the way of the Holy Trinity.

 I want to thank Bishop Marc for having a positive influence on me when it comes to the ecology of this world. If I should choose to remain in the congregation that I am in (which is likely,) I am going to do my best to try and get them to do things that will not hurt this planet and to make other choices (they do some things that are good, but they could be better,) and it will come because of the influence of Bishop Marc. I hope and pray that more and more congregations throughout God's Church really think and change so they they are helping to save this planet that the God has left for us to care for.

Monday, March 11, 2013

King of the Diocese

 I recently moved from one diocese to another where I visited a church that got me thinking about something, and it troubles me. Now in the diocese that I was in, I was seeing it less and less, but it still existed and I am not sure if it will ever go away for another 10 years at the earliest.
 After service, one of the questions that I asked was what Ministries the congregation has. For me, this has become something that is important to me in figuring out what congregation I choose to join. Yeah I could join the biggest congregation, but to tell you the truth, I find that big congregations aren't my thing, as they seem to want to dominate over the other congregations.
 Now the answer to the question is one for some reason didn't surprise me. I am sure that if I were to ask most smaller congregations I would get basically the same answer just put in different ways. The answer that I got was basically naming a couple if ministries, but also saying that the bigger ministries they are involved in were being run by bigger congregations. Now there is nothing hugely wrong with this, but I think that it takes away from the smaller congregations to be able to grow.
 There has been talk of changes in the way that we in the Episcopal Church does things, and I think that one of the changes that has to be done is to push for smaller congregations to take the lead in the different ministries that are done in a diocese. If we want to truly have things come from the grassroots of the church, then we need to get the smaller congregations to take the lead in things.
 Sure the big congregations will want to take control talking about all of the experience and expertize that they have, but if they aren't willing to let others take the lead in things, then the smaller churches will continue to struggle as they won't have things to attract people through its doors. If we don't let the smaller ones take the lead then we will miss out on the chance of letting people who have great skills bring new ideas and ways that will benefit the church and Christianity as a whole.
 I found it sad in ways watching what happened in the congregation that I was in when a change in clergy occurred. People came into the church with their own ideas on what should happen there and really didn't care what the people who had been there for decades desired. While agendas were pushed by those coming in, those who had been there have watched and are leaving. One of the things that was noticed is that people from bigger congregations were being brought in for stuff that if asked of those who were there could of given them answers to in different things, but reinventing the wheel appeared to be more important.
 Now I am sure that what has happened in this one congregation is something that has and is happening in other congregations. It makes me wonder how many people with wonderful ideas and expertise in things that will help the church grow who are not being given the chance because others have their own vision and not willing to be open to new ways and ideas. But this is also true in many ways of the big congregations when it comes to ministries that are done.
 If the church is going to survive, then it will take dioceses to celebrate the ministries that are done in the smaller congregations and to make them not only shine, but they must be celebrated. This will also mean that the smaller congregations will have to step up and not rely on the larger ones to direct what is done. This will mean that smaller congregations should work together in building mutual ministries that lift both congregations and will hopefully give the bigger congregations new visions on what and how they do new ministries. I think of congregations like St. Cyprian's in San Francisco and St. Cuthbert's in Oakland, Ca which have some great ministries going on, but for the most part people within their diocese just don't see what is going on with them.
 Hopefully what ever congregation that I do end up in, they will be doing ministries that are nothing short of helping to help more of the world know of the greatness of the Holy Trinity.

 So I would like for you leave comments in this blog about the ministries that you and your congregation have going on and how you feel that the smaller congregations can become stronger and bigger.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Silent War

Now I am sure that some people will claim that this really isn't happening, but the more that I think about it, the more that it seems so true.
 A few years ago, I started asking some of my non-Christian friends why they went Christmas shopping since Christmas is a Christian Holiday. I would hear all kinds of reasons, and most of them said that they weren't celebrating Christmas, but the Holidays. Now a friend of mine, who happens to follow the Wiccan beliefs, actually spent some time and gathered some information that explained the Wiccan connection to this day. They presented some great information, and it was enough for me to understand. I then found some great documentaries that talked about the history of Christmas, so between those I understand. But things have come along which has really bothered me.
 It seems as though the world has this silent war against Christianity. This is a war that people don't seem to realize we really haven't paid any attention to, and it is one that is diluting Christianity. Seriously, Satan has found a way to get us to forget about following Jesus without us noticing. Rev. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., St Valentine, St Patrick.... Think about it and what has happened.  
 Have you noticed over the years that the “Reverend” part of Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. seems to be vanishing? It seems as though we are losing out and trying to forget that he was a Christian. This has nothing to do with racism, and I will explain why not below. Think about it. Here is someone whose speech the night before his assassination gave one of his most famous speeches that was clearly a Christian Sermon, gave many of this speeches in churches, but quietly the fact that he was a Christian seems to be vanishing from being related to him. St Valentine's Day...
 Like many other Christian Saints, we have a day to celebrate this Saint. Well let me correct myself on this. St Valentine's Day actually celebrates 3 Christians named Valentine. Have you noticed how the “Saint” part has been getting dropped like the “Reverend” part in Rev King's name has been? Like Christmas and all of the material stuff surrounding it, I really wonder what all of the material stuff surrounding this day has to do with this Christian observance? Now St Patrick has been lucky in that evil hasn't figured out how to drop the “Saint” part of the name, but evil seems to of make it more palatable to the rest of the world in that it has brought forth people drinking Green Beer and other stuff that surrounds the day. What does going out and getting drunk have to do with St Patrick? Think about it.
 Oh I can go on, but I am really wondering what is going on in that we seem to be permitting evil to dilute Christianity? This doesn't seem to be happening in other religions as far as I know, but when are we Christians going to open our eyes as to what is going on? Isn't it time that we rebel and stop business from causing us to worship money over God by stopping spending our monies on a day like St Valentine's Day and other days? Shouldn't the Love that so many give towards each other on St Valentine's Day be not only on one day, but every day?
 Would lover to read your comments....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Book Of Books

 One of my favorite questions that I ask people when they are either going through the process of ordination, or are thinking about it and talk to me about it, is to ask, “Other than the Holy Trinity and the Apostles, who in the Bible do you relate to the most, and why?” What surprises me are the number of people who seem to get stuck on this question and have to sit back and really think about it. Yes I will admit that when that question first came to my mind, it took me a few seconds to think about it, but I did come up with an answer. One thing that did feel good was sitting in the Commission On Ministry meeting with someone who was there for their final interview before ordination, and while talking about the process mentioned that that question was something that they have continued to think about. It made me realize that this person was always going to continue to discern the things that they do in life and in their ministry.
 One of the things that does happen is that those who are going through the process talk with each other and their experiences with the Commission, so the questions that get asked are mentioned. Now this is both helpful and a problem, as it means that people will actually have to spend time thinking about the questions and how to answer them, but it also has a disadvantage as people will come to generic answers to these questions. The problem with the generic answers, as you have probably figured out, is that it then makes it hard to really tell if the person's calling is true or not.
 Lately a new question has come to mind, and has made me wonder what answers others would give. I know why my answer has come to mind, and I think that it would surprise some people, but with others they As I thought about this question, I figured that I would have to put some qualifiers on it when asking someone the question, including myself. The reason for putting qualifiers onto these questions is because it makes it harder to give an answer without one having to of really really other things in the Bible. In the Episcopal Church we tend to concentrate and make of importance just four of the books within the Bible, but in reality we should give importance to the entire thing. A number of people who give homilies and sermons will concentrate on one of the lessons given, but won't talk about the commonalities that are in all of the lessons that are given. But the disadvantage that we also have within the church is that in many congregations finding Bibles within the pews of the church, and I am sure that in most of the congregations where one will find a Bible in the pews, they are hardly ever touched, yet alone used.
 When I was a kid, I went to an overnight camp that the local YMCA had. The second year that I went there, I decided that I was going to bring my Bible with me and try and read it all of the way through before I returned home. Well I did make it through a few of the books that were within it, but I didn't make it all of the way through.  In a way I am kind of glad that I didn't, as I think that the words inside of me wouldn't mean as much to me today as they do today. Oh sure the bragging rights would have been fun, but I don't think that the words located in it would have meant much to me. Without realizing it, I was also pretty much a conservative person in my thinking and ways then, and I am sure that with some of the things that are written in the Bible I would have been a bigger pain in the rump than I already was. I have yet to this day read through the entire thing, and I may never read through it all, but still I can answer the question that came to mind. Now the answer could change in a year or two, or maybe even tomorrow, but it's a question that I think everyone should ask themselves.

 “Other than the Gospels and the Book of Acts, what is your favorite book in the Bible and why?” Well, let me re-ask that question another way. “If you were stranded on a desert island, and the only thing that you had to read was one book from the Bible, other than the Gospels and the Book of Acts, which one would you hope it would be, and why?” I would love to know your answer. Please post it into the comments on this blog page.